Saturday, June 11, 2011

Let's keep playing online!!!

I had a brain fart the other morning while getting ready for work…I was thinking of a way for us to keep playing online on Thursdays…then it came to me…PLAY MONEY.  Hear me out…I was thinking that at our monthly live game, those who are interested would ante up $20 for the next 3-4 weeks of games (the weeks between the live games)…we play for play money and everyone will earn points the same as before and the total prize pool will be split to the top 3 point-earning-paying-players as 50%, 30% and 20%.  If we were to get more than 9 players to “ante up”, then the top 4 will get paid…more than 18, then top 5, etc (I would follow the same payout structure that PS uses for their SNGs).  We could make the points count per the best 3 games (the best 3 out of 3 when there are only 3 weeks between the live game and the best 3 out of 4 when there are for weeks between the live game), or use the entire time period (something those interested could comment on). 

For people who don’t want to pay but want to play (or are too far away to pay), then they can still play, and they will still earn points towards the quarterly and yearly TLBs…they just can’t earn any money.  For those who are far away and want to play for money, we can work something out (just email me and we can discuss options).  I’ll have a separate “Monthly Prize Pool Leader Board” or something that will be just for the people who paid.  When I get to the monthly live tourney, I’ll pay out the prizes.  What do you think?  It sort of is a way around “the system” …besides, it is almost better, because if you win, you actually will get cash in your hand. 

I checked on PS in the Home Game section and we can set up play money games.  If you are interested, please let me know in the comments section…also let me know a good date and time that would work with you on testing it out as I thought of testing it out by setting up a home game tomorrow (Sunday) for 2pm’ish just to see if it works…if not tomorrow, sometime soon (just let me know preferred time frame…even if I can only test it out against 1 of you…I just want to be sure that we can do this before our live game on Thursday the 16th).

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