Sunday, April 17, 2011

Poker Stars Play Suspended for US Players

Hello All,

Below is something that Billy has put together.  I am posting here for your info (and per his request).  For now, our online league will be put on hold until we can figure out what to do.  Feel free to leave questions and comments on the blog.

Well I thought since i have been online for 2 days reading and reading and reading and researching I would let you guys know of my findings.  Im sure by now most of you know Stars, Tilt, and UB have been shut down by the feds.  I have done a ton of research and reading on weather or not our bankrolls will be safe or not, their is mixed reviews about 60-70 percent of the whose who of online poker say the money is safe and cannot be touched by the government.  Of course their are alot of people that say no that it could be seized and not given back.

For those of you needing to feed an addiction I have done alot of reading about what poker sites are still operating and most people are switching to Bodog, and Carbon Poker, along with a few people switching to Cake Poker.  After much research I think I would probably go with Bodog If i were going to jump ship due to the fact that bodog is a sportsbetting site with poker and they usually dont have issues with depositing or withdrawing money and news from online players currently is that their are no issues at the moment doing that.  (however bodog does not offer person to person money transfers )

of course you can also still go on STARS and play for PLAY MONEY lol

As of right now neither stars or tilt is allowing cash outs, or transfers due to high volume of traffic and requests (they say).

alot of people are reporting checks they get from stars getting deposited and the funds becoming availible and then the funds getting ripped back out of their accounts.

All in All if you love online poker their are some things you can do, the easiest being supporting the PPA (poker players alliance) I have been a member and donated a little money here and their to them for years.  They are the authority really for the government to deal with when it comes to all aspects of poker.  Kind of like the NRA of poker.

If anybody has any questions go ahead and shoot me an e mail.

if you would like to do any reading or research yourself I would suggest becoming a member of<> and reading their forums, as well as <> these 2 sites are the authorities on the poker world.

Jenifer Please post this e mail on the GPN ONLINE BLOG SPOT.  Thanks!

Take care and see everyone on the LIVE felt on Thursday.


1 comment:

Badbilly429 said...

Another thing that I have been reading alot about is the amount of players that are moving out of the U.S. Immediately so they can continue to play poker online. A ton of well known pros live and online are setting up a move to Vancouver. This is truly amazing!